
Should I Replace My Water Heater To Meet New Federal Guidelines?

June 05, 2024

There’s no way to sugarcoat it, new Federal Water Heater Guidelines could cost you a lot of money in the long run if you…

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Should I tune-up my air-conditioner?

June 05, 2024

We all look forward to spring weather after a cold and dreary winter. It’s that special time of year where it’s not too …

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Summer Electrical Safety Tips For The Family

June 05, 2024

School’s out and the little ones are ready to kick up the summer fun into high gear. With sunny skies and great weather,…

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Tankless Water Heaters: Never Run Out of Hot Water Again

June 05, 2024

If you have had water heater problems and called AllGood out to look at your tank, you may have heard us mention a tankl…

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Technological Advances in Plumbing

June 05, 2024

Today’s plumber has many new tools available to him thanks to technological advances in our industry. We have gadgets an…

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Thankful For You, Our Clients

June 05, 2024

November is a great month to reflect on the year and think about the different things you are thankful for. Here at AllG…

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Three Common Reasons Your Garbage Disposal Isn’t Running Properly

June 05, 2024

There are certain modern amenities such as refrigerators and dishwashers we just expect these items to work. The garbage…

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Three Electrical Jobs That Should Be Left To The Professional, And Why.

June 05, 2024

Here at AllGood Plumbing & Electric, we love giving advice on Do-It-Yourself projects. We are knowledgeable Atlanta …

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Touch-free Toilets, Yea or Nay?

June 05, 2024

Have you seen the commercial, where this little boy tries to flush toys and mounds on top of mounds of toilet tissue but…

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Water Tips for the Winter Months

June 05, 2024

As we move through the last few weeks of December, and into January, winter really begins to creep in for Georgia. Lucki…

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