Tankless, Electric & Gas Water Heater Services in Atlanta, GA

Water Heater Installation and Repair in Atlanta
Call Allgood Plumbing for more information on all of our water heater products and to schedule an installation quote today!
Never run out of hot water for your entire home and watch your utility costs drop. Sound too good to be true? It’s not! With a Rinnai Tankless Water Heater, you and your family will enjoy a continuous water heating system that will make your home feel like a spa. With its smart design and reliable performance, Rinnai Tankless Water Heaters produce hot water on-demand using space-saving equipment design, saving you space and money.
Natural gas water heaters are a safe and efficient water heater option when installed properly and maintained regularly. Natural gas water heaters have a faster hot water recovery than other water heaters, and are a more reliable system of traditional water heater. Allgood Plumbing experts can help you choose the right heater for your home’s needs, install the unit and provide regular maintenance.
Allgood Plumbing offers the best in electric water heater installation and repair. Our electric water heater selection includes heat pump water heaters, Marathon lifetime warranty tank, residential electric water heaters, Hi-Recovery commercial water heaters, and Point of Use tankless and Insta-Hot water heaters. Allgood plumbing proudly recommends and installs A.O. Smith gas water heaters.
Would you like a water heater that conserves energy, saves you money, gets you tax credits and energy rebates, and give you a reliable hot water supply? Look no further than High-Efficiency Water Heaters. From heat pump water heaters to condensing technology, Allgood has you covered. Allgood Plumbing has a variety of High-Efficient Water Heaters available, and will help you select the one that best fits your needs and budget. Who knew that saving money could be so refreshing?